Wednesday 9 July 2014

Netflix picks of the week. (Week 6)

Netflix picks of the week. (Week 6)

Here on the Netflix picks of the week I’ll give you guys a little list of things that I found enjoyable on the streaming service. Each list will have 4 different picks for different tastes. So without further ado, the list!

For those who could use a laugh: Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
Granted it may not be totally true to the novel or even a very good movie it made me laugh and I believe it to be underrated. Join Ford Perfect and Arthur Dent as they travel around the universe on a romp. Its fun, silly and Sam Rockwell gives a great performance as always.

For those who want drama: House of Cards
This show is well documented as one of the great game changers in TV. It was Netflix’s first original content show and continues to be one the best things on their service. The first episode alone could stand as a feature film and the writing is superb. Kevin Spacey is great as always and the supporting cast also does a fantastic job. This show’s two seasons are fantastic and keep you hungry for more.

For those who are looking for something with a cult following: Heroes
Considering this cult classic show is set to make a return in 2016 now is a great time to start this series. The show follows several people as super powers emerge in their DNA. The show had decent special effects and is very well plotted. A good show from the early days of super hero digital media.

Pick of the week: Moon
A haunting Sci Fi tale, this one follows a worker stationed on the moon as he slowly unravels the atrocities that the company has committed and what is happening to the life he thought he’d lived. The film is beautifully shot and very well paced. Its full of great tension that leaves the viewer wanting more but it keeps the runtime to a respectable hour and thirty minutes. Definitely worth a watch.
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Saturday 5 July 2014

Review Catch Up

Well sorry guys, life’s been busy and I haven’t had time to review many titles I would have liked two. In this post I’m going to do a quick run down of four movies I’ve seen recently and give my opinions on them. These are in the order I saw them not the order they were released. You may still be able to catch them in theatres.

X-Men: Days of Future Past

For those who don’t know I’m an enormous X-men fan so I’d been looking forward to this release for months on end. Usually I’m disappointed when I build up so much expectation on something but this thing managed to meet my high standards. The movie greatly cleans up the jumbled storyline of the franchise and includes some great nods to the comics. The real show steals are Quicksilver, played by Evan Peters, and Michael Fassbender’s take on Magneto. Even Peters portrays a perfect Quicksilver and I almost jumped with joy at his Pink Floyd shirt. Overall, light fun that should entertain the casual viewer and delight the X-men fan.

Edge of Tomorrow

Initially not a movie I had high expectations for. Between Source Code and Ground Hog Day I felt the live the same day over thing had been done enough and I’ve seen enough of Tom Cruise shooting aliens to last me a life time but I was pleasantly surprised by this movie in more ways than one. For starters the movie was meticulously plotted. A lot of time and effort had gone into making sure the plot never retreaded and every time he lived over it was a slightly different story. Emily Blunt was great to see in a more action oriented role and her turn as the Angel of Verdun.  All the performances where well done and the editing made it so the film never slowed or lost sight of the plot. Overall a perfect example of how an action movie done right should be!

22 Jump Street.

I must admit I wasn’t as impressed with this as the previous one. For all their jokes about sequels the movie just didn’t have the heart of the original. Not really too much to say on this one.

How To Train Your Dragon 2

Lots of summer fun. A good plot that improves upon the original by not retelling the first movie but continuing it. The animation was beautiful but somehow I felt didn’t quite capture the same emotion that the concept art shown during the credits did. Overall lots of fun and a good summer movie.

That’s it for now, look for my review of Dawn Of The Planet of The Apes Next Week.

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Monday 30 June 2014

Netflix Pick of the Week (Week 5)

Netflix picks of the week. (Week 5)

Here on the Netflix picks of the week I’ll give you guys a little list of things that I found enjoyable on the streaming service. Each list will have 4 different picks for different tastes. So without further ado, the list!

For those who could use a laugh: Community
One of my favorite comedies of recent years Community never fails to make me laugh. The jokes are sometime subtle and its one of those shows you really have to grow into. With four of the five seasons now steaming on Netflix there has never been a better time to start the show. Avoid season four though, it’s a little lack luster but still worth a watch.

For those who crave Sci Fi: Hell Boy
Before the days of huge Comic book epics like Iron Man and the Dark Knight there was X-Men and Hell boy. Hell Boy is from the early days of comic book movies following the wave of success from X-Men and Spiderman. It may not quite live up to the standards we hold today’s comic book adaptations too but it’s still a fun romp with great characters and some inventive action shots.

For those who are looking for something stupid: World War Z
Dumb, far inferior to the book, and capped with a strange ending this movie is a bit of an odd one to make my list. While the production was riddled with problems and the final product may not make much sense or really deliver a solid ending, its still a fun watch if you turn off your brain and let the wave of zombies sink in.

Pick of the week: Hannibal
Smart, beautifully filmed, and excessively gory, Hannibal is about as close to a British miniseries as you will find on American network TV. The characters are masterfully written and the show really finds its footing with season two. The amount of gore is a bit overwhelming but the great performances and intriguing mysteries tempt many back for another bite.

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Monday 9 June 2014

Netflix Picks of the Week (Week 4)

Netflix picks of the week. (Week 3)

Here on the Netflix picks of the week I’ll give you guys a little list of things that I found enjoyable on the streaming service. Each list will have 4 different picks for different tastes. So without further ado, the list!

For those who could use a laugh: Portlandia.
Two SNL alum are the stars of this satire of west coast life. For any west coast denizen this show will right especially true but to anyone the performances are great and the show keeps the jokes coming a mile a minute.

For those who crave action: The Wolverine.
Also a new addition, the Hugh Jackman lead super hero flick is a thrill ride through japan as wolverine goes to visit an old acquaintance. The film has some interesting plot points and is a must see for any fan of the franchise. The movie might also redefine the train fight scene with a wild battle atop a bullet train.

For those who are looking for a throwback: Ghostbusters
If you haven’t seen the 1984 classic you must live in a ghost containment unit. If you have seen it, its time for a re-watch. Ghosts, lasers, jokes, and a giant marshmallow. Nuff said.

Pick of the week: Orange is the New Black

With season two launched in the past week now is better than ever to start watching the hit Netflix Exclusive program. The story follows Piper Chapman and her time in women’s prison after being sentenced for a crime committed ten years ago. The show is wickedly funny, heartfelt, and expertly written. It can get a bit graphic so viewer discretion advised. Worth a watch.

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Monday 19 May 2014

Netflix Picks of The Week (Week 3)

Netflix picks of the week. (Week 3)

Here on the Netflix picks of the week I’ll give you guys a little list of things that I found enjoyable on the streaming service. Each list will have 4 different picks for different tastes. So without further ado, the list!

For those who could use a laugh: Pineapple Express

While not the best film, Seth Rogen is a master at what he does and keeps the laughs rolling at a decent pace. James Franco’s performance is almost Oscar worthy and the ending is one hell of a way to go out. All in all just a fun movie.

For those who want to be conscious: Blackfish

It’s a harrowing documentary about the plight of killer whales in captivity. The film is so powerful trying to describe it may come off as an insult. Definitely worth a watch.

For those who are looking for history: Muscle Shoals

Muscle Shoals tells the story of a producer, band, and recording studio in the small town of Muscle Shoals, Alabama. The film recounts the history of the town, and how a tiny recording studio influenced so much music. It provides great context on the music industry of the late sixties and seventies. Well produced and excellently shot it’s a fun tale of our culture.

Pick of the week: Breaking Bad

It seems like everyone and their dog has seen this show but for those who haven’t, its worth a watch to say the least. Following cancer patient Walter White, who goes into the drug trade to secure his families financial future, this five season epic drama really knows how to pull the heartstrings. The twists and turns happen so fast and you almost never see them coming. Spectacular film, and sharp writing keep you clicking to watch one more episode. If you haven’t seen it yet, its time you dived into the king of TV’s golden age.

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