Tuesday 22 April 2014

Netflix Picks of The Week (Week of April 21)

Netflix Picks of the Week. Week 1

Well, I’m going to start the week a little off schedule because it’s the first week.
Here on the Netflix picks of the week I’ll give you guys a little list of things that I found enjoyable on the streaming service. Each list will have 4 different picks for different tastes. So without further ado, the first list.

For those who are inclined to the deadpan, Fargo
With the new TV series based on the film out what better to start with? To anyone who ever tries to argue that there is a better crime/black comedy hybrid there is always one thing this film has that trumps them all. Tree shredders. The Coen brothers perfectly weaves the fine line between morbid and hilarious in this 1996 “comedy.” With some of the best cinematography of the 90’s, a beautifully simple outlook and message that rings true to this day, its no wonder this triumph was nominated for best picture.

For those who would rather not be on this planet, Firefly
The story behind the show is tragic, but its incredible first, and only, season is a television marvel for its day. We join a band of outlaws, in space, trying to make a living outside the oppressive government. The show is perfectly casted with an original premise and beautiful production design. It stands alone as a true cinematic space western. With a fierce group of followers eleven years on, one can only hope that someone will bring back such a beloved show.

For those who could use a good laugh, Arrested Development
Another show from the depths of 2003, Arrested Development was a comedy staple of its day. In the era after Seinfeld, this show brought a fresh air into the realm of sitcoms and broke out stars such as Michael Cera and Jason Bateman. With a new season from Netflix that ushered in a new look and feel, long time fans felt betrayed. All four seasons , no matter how you view the change in style, are wickedly funny and excellently written. Certainly worth a watch for anyone who enjoys a great comedy.

Top Pick of the Week: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
The top pick of this week is certainly worthy of the title. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is a masterful drama set during the height of the cold war. Set in the depths of a paranoid Europe, Tinker Tailor follows the work of George Smiley as he attempts to sniff out the mole that has hidden itself deep in the British Intelligence Agency. This film ranks among my top ten for several reasons. Its mastery of tone is unrivalled as it weaves its complex tale of lies, deceit and the feeling of having the best days behind you. The film comes with a slow pace and a plot that may prove difficult to follow for some but its easily one of my favorites.

Just to fill everyone in. The schedule moving forward is, Netflix picks on Monday, new release review Tuesday, classic review Friday, and weekly news round up on Sunday.

Keep telling stories


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