Saturday 5 July 2014

Review Catch Up

Well sorry guys, life’s been busy and I haven’t had time to review many titles I would have liked two. In this post I’m going to do a quick run down of four movies I’ve seen recently and give my opinions on them. These are in the order I saw them not the order they were released. You may still be able to catch them in theatres.

X-Men: Days of Future Past

For those who don’t know I’m an enormous X-men fan so I’d been looking forward to this release for months on end. Usually I’m disappointed when I build up so much expectation on something but this thing managed to meet my high standards. The movie greatly cleans up the jumbled storyline of the franchise and includes some great nods to the comics. The real show steals are Quicksilver, played by Evan Peters, and Michael Fassbender’s take on Magneto. Even Peters portrays a perfect Quicksilver and I almost jumped with joy at his Pink Floyd shirt. Overall, light fun that should entertain the casual viewer and delight the X-men fan.

Edge of Tomorrow

Initially not a movie I had high expectations for. Between Source Code and Ground Hog Day I felt the live the same day over thing had been done enough and I’ve seen enough of Tom Cruise shooting aliens to last me a life time but I was pleasantly surprised by this movie in more ways than one. For starters the movie was meticulously plotted. A lot of time and effort had gone into making sure the plot never retreaded and every time he lived over it was a slightly different story. Emily Blunt was great to see in a more action oriented role and her turn as the Angel of Verdun.  All the performances where well done and the editing made it so the film never slowed or lost sight of the plot. Overall a perfect example of how an action movie done right should be!

22 Jump Street.

I must admit I wasn’t as impressed with this as the previous one. For all their jokes about sequels the movie just didn’t have the heart of the original. Not really too much to say on this one.

How To Train Your Dragon 2

Lots of summer fun. A good plot that improves upon the original by not retelling the first movie but continuing it. The animation was beautiful but somehow I felt didn’t quite capture the same emotion that the concept art shown during the credits did. Overall lots of fun and a good summer movie.

That’s it for now, look for my review of Dawn Of The Planet of The Apes Next Week.

Keep telling stories,


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