Monday 28 April 2014

Netflix Picks of the Week (Week 2)

Netflix picks of the week. (Week 2)

Here on the Netflix picks of the week I’ll give you guys a little list of things that I found enjoyable on the streaming service. Each list will have 4 different picks for different tastes. So without further ado, the list!

For those who could use a laugh: Superbad

Considered by many to be a modern classic, this fresh teen/coming of age comedy certainly brings in the laughs. Centered around two relatable high school seniors as they try to get booze for a party. The movie takes us all over town through hell and high water. The laughs are non-stop, the characters unforgettable and charming and the tone perfect. Great for light entertainment.

For those who just want something different: Being John Malkovich.

Boy this one is in a class of its own. Being John Malkovich is the directing debut of Spike Jonze and easily wins a spot on my favorite movies list. One can’t really summarize the plot of the movie but to give you an idea there’s an office with a ceiling 4 feet tall, a secret portal to take control of John Malkovich and the best performance Cameron Diaz ever gave. Its outrageous, vulgar, makes no sense, and is a true classic. Beloved by critics for its witty writing and original concept Spike Jonze proves himself as a film maker in this truly one of a kind movie.

For those who are looking for mystery: Wallander

The six seasons that tell the story of the tortured Swedish detective are beautiful in style and haunting in subject. The BBC series based on the book series follows detective Wallander as he solves crime around Sweden and his internal struggle with alcohol, relationships and his dying father. The show is a masterful example of tone leading a story but followed with a kick of intrigue.

Pick of the week: District 9

Produced by Peter Jackson and directed by Neil Blomkamp the film is a masterpiece of science fiction. Gritty and visceral this tale of segregated aliens acts as an allegory of the segregation of black people in South Africa. A truly thought provoking film this is one every lover of cinema should see.

Keep telling stories


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