Sunday 18 May 2014

Now In Theatres: Godzilla

Sorry for the hiatus, should now be back to full schedule. 

Three Stars

The beast is back! Godzilla makes a triumphant return to North American cinemas with this big budget remake/reboot of the 1954 classic. To start off, one has to remember monster movie and I sure don’t expect Citizen Kane from it. Walking into this I expected cardboard cutout characters, cheesy dialogue, a respected actor chewing scenery, and some damn good special effects. Thankfully this film delivers on all fronts.

            In recent years we’ve seen a bit of a departure from classic Hollywood blockbusters in their style, and what really excites me about this movie is how old school it is. It has a generic, everyman lead, a loving wife character, a tough general, a classy scientist, and a big monster and it makes no apologies about that. It’s a blockbuster with style over substance and it owns it.

            Another really pleasing thing about the movie is its depiction of the great beast himself. Godzilla’s image was shattered by the 1998 version. This version intelligently, doesn’t mess with the original monster. It’s obvious he’s been updated to suit modern audiences but he still remains faithful to the original creature. The monster himself doesn’t make a full-fledged appearance until quite late in the film but all the suspense leading up to it makes for quite a pay off.

All in all the film is exactly what it should be and nothing more. The effects are truly incredible and the first time director shows promise. The summer is off to a good start and once again Godzilla is a true monster.

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