Wednesday 9 July 2014

Netflix picks of the week. (Week 6)

Netflix picks of the week. (Week 6)

Here on the Netflix picks of the week I’ll give you guys a little list of things that I found enjoyable on the streaming service. Each list will have 4 different picks for different tastes. So without further ado, the list!

For those who could use a laugh: Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
Granted it may not be totally true to the novel or even a very good movie it made me laugh and I believe it to be underrated. Join Ford Perfect and Arthur Dent as they travel around the universe on a romp. Its fun, silly and Sam Rockwell gives a great performance as always.

For those who want drama: House of Cards
This show is well documented as one of the great game changers in TV. It was Netflix’s first original content show and continues to be one the best things on their service. The first episode alone could stand as a feature film and the writing is superb. Kevin Spacey is great as always and the supporting cast also does a fantastic job. This show’s two seasons are fantastic and keep you hungry for more.

For those who are looking for something with a cult following: Heroes
Considering this cult classic show is set to make a return in 2016 now is a great time to start this series. The show follows several people as super powers emerge in their DNA. The show had decent special effects and is very well plotted. A good show from the early days of super hero digital media.

Pick of the week: Moon
A haunting Sci Fi tale, this one follows a worker stationed on the moon as he slowly unravels the atrocities that the company has committed and what is happening to the life he thought he’d lived. The film is beautifully shot and very well paced. Its full of great tension that leaves the viewer wanting more but it keeps the runtime to a respectable hour and thirty minutes. Definitely worth a watch.
Keep telling stories


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